
Friday, February 1, 2013

A Bond Beyond - Part I

Yesterday I was talking with a friend about the connection between parent and child. The conversation was in reference to a couple of my life situations which has caused me to believe that the bond between a mother and her child extends way past what most think. I truly have faith in this stance and have lived this bond that can be very powerful. About a year and half after my teen daughter had made her earthly transition I had ran into a former church member, H. Johnson, Sr. I was on my way home from work to a new residence that I had relocated to about a half a year earlier. We stop and had a short conversation about how his son, H. Johnson, Jr. and how him and his wife would ask their son where my daughter is. He would always state that she is an angel in heaven. When we attended the same church in the western suburbs both mister and missus sang in the church choir. Many times my daughter would watch their 2 year old son during the services when they sang in the choir loft. We exchanged pleasantries and telephone numbers.

About a week after our meeting on the street I received a call from P. Johnson, the wife of man I’d spoke with the week before. It was late in the evening and she was frantic because her son H. Johnson, Jr. had fallen and hit is head very hard. Her son was in the hospital unconscious. She requested me to offer up prayers on behalf of her only child. I told her of course and immediately I started to pray for her son after we had hung up from our conversation. I do no recall the exact prayer but the ending of the prayer I remember distinctly. I said, “My daughter’s name, I know that you are here with me but H. Jr. is in the hospital and I need for you to go to him.” For within my spirit I knew that our connection was eternal and will last until I meet her again, when she greets me in spirit, when I’ve made my transition.

The next day the missis called me with wonderful news. Her son was doing well and was conscious. We praised the Lord and then I told her about my prayer. She then told me something that confirmed that bond beyond. The missis told me that after she talked with me she had gone home to get a little rest and her very good friend stayed at the hospital with her son. When she returned later her friend told her that after she’d left she saw an angel descend on her son covering his body. We rejoiced in the Lord for no one, not anyone else, could have answered our prayer to spare her son’s then 4 year old life but our mighty Father God. This confirmed to me that although my baby is physically absent her spirit lives along with me as a….bond beyond… Hallelujah! “For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.” Colossians 2:5 NIV