
Sunday, August 2, 2020

What About Is-um

Human nature at its finest, predicable. Yesterday a friend of mine of many years posted to her social media feed what she called an **EMOTIONAL Post – couldn’t help myself**. The ‘just’ about the post was sicken feeling after one of her followers posted the comparison of the preservation of concentration camps to the removal of statues. I knew when I wrote my reply to her post that there would be at least one who post an ‘what about is-um’.

Her post hit home for me. It was like déjà vu. My response was as follow: Bottom line losers don’t get statue. That is everywhere except in the United States. I feel you. Often time I’ve been told when the discussion of slavery comes up, “When are you going to get over it.” My stock answers is & will remain, NEVER. African Americans are always told to get over slavery. No one ever ask Jewish people to get over the Holocaust.” A few weeks ago, I was thanked by one of my friends who is White, for being frank enough to have this conversation with her. She’s lived here the majority of her life & had never gotten citizenship. But since the 2016 election & our conversation she is eager for November 3, 2020 to cast her vote. Keep the faith. Until the American history books stop telling HIS-tory & tells the truth many will not understand why POC have had enough, 400 years is MORE than enough. 

This morning I was not disappointed to awake to a post 8 hours after mine to the ‘what about is-um’. In this reply directed to me was the expression of “don’t forget the Irish slaves…slaves (labor) in China…” Not surprised, I mused at this ‘is-um’.   

The amusement led to the thought, here we go once again. Let’s change the focus on the hundreds of years of injustices of Black to others who have suffered injustice. This is no different than when Black express Black Lives Matter and it is met with the response of All Lives Matters. 

The lack of understanding & the belittling of suffering of 400 years to the point a complete race of people that have no identity. There is a continued consorted effort to minimize rights & ability to thrive. Until those who have “privilege” understand the magnitude of suffering of POC & their contribution to its continuance.  The “privileged’ must gain understanding, truth in HIS-tory, and the ability to have empathy is at the seed of beginning of understanding.