
Monday, October 25, 2021


Over the years the term identifies a person as bitter has been unitized to define a person. But as I have lived and learned it is most often use by those who cannot or will not accept their own irrational behavior/s or inability to self-own their own conduct that interfere with the safety or needs of those that they “say” they care for (lip service) or have been undoubtably proven wrong. 


Having self-awareness has been my guiding light that allows me to know that the use of words with undertone of those who deflect their own fault by attempting place their own issues onto others. Working in industries, education & having family members with which at all costs will beat or bend others to their will makes awareness necessary.   


No one, not no one has walked my walk nor has kept me from growth & to know my worth better than being self-aware has been my trusted companion. Making ones self-righteous of what another deems a flaw by their definition only continues to deflection the misguided analysis of another. Loving the skin, I’ve called self-awareness. Like it, love it, hate it or being indifferent, I heart my self-awareness. 


Even He who can when others cannot walked His walk self-aware of that with which He is.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Simplest Gesture

A slight lifted smile filled my lips the morning.  It occurred from a thought of a simple gesture from a friend yesterday. 


Yesterday I finally got to visit with a friend’s husband & his family that I hadn’t seen in over eleven years. My friend had passed away a little less than a year ago and her husband in previous conversations since her passing had told me that when he had gone through her belongings that he kept the handmade items that I’d made for her over the years. During this brief visit as in previous conversation he made it a declaration verbally in presence of others is what made the smile come the previous day’s visit. The remembrance of this little act just filled my heart with delight and made me just automatically smile internally and externally.


This simple little expression of what my handmade items had meant to her & him just delights me beyond words. So often my personalized knit & crochet items with which I take my time, an element that is as important to me as the person with which I’m making the item for, I feel are discarded without a thought. 


The simplest thoughts & acts can make the difference in one’s life & I’m here to rejoice in this memory. I’m hopeful that many will see this and recognize that it doesn’t take a lot of money to bring joy to one another, just a unassuming truthful loving gesture can make the biggest impact.