
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Blue Dream


For several weeks I’ve been contemplating writing this document. A couple of day after my last birthday I had one of the most vivid dreams that I’ve had in quite a long time. So here it goes.


The first part started off like I was riding on public bus transportation. It appeared that I was riding on the south bound number 8 bus Halsted. It seems that it stopped to pickup two passengers at the entrance of University of Chicago Circle Campus at the Taylor Street bus stop. The two boarding passengers appeared to be students a young man & woman. They appeared to be most likely in a boyfriend/girlfriend type of relationship, they were arguing about something but I couldn’t ascertain what they were arguing about.


The bus wasn’t a model that is presently used. I looked around and I didn’t see any individual windows. What I saw was like a surround sound like view of all-around the bus’s exterior. As I look towards the back, I saw this enormous blue wave headed toward the bus. Like this wave was going to engulf the bus. Once the wave hit the bus the wave became white snow, causing me to wake up.


Weeks have passed and I’ve attempted to make sense of the dream. The climate of American politics has come to the forefront of my thoughts. The arguing, divisiveness, lies flowing like hurricane seeking destruction, hate, greed, downright evil is attempting to destroy this country’s democracy.  


This dream has given me hope that blue has a significance in the survival of For the people, By the people. Not a society for the wealthy at the expense of many.