
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A simple conversation

A simple conversation

Simple everyday conversations can be a chance to impart wisdom to those persons we have interaction. Case in point…over the past about last five to six years I have been working with a personal trainer, off and on. During our sessions, we have conversations that have topics intertwined of personal and situational relationships of others in our life. Some may be crossroad's concerns or decisions that we may be contemplating.

On this particular Friday session, we had discussed a topic of a personal relationship that was going on in her life. My approach to this conversation was not one of the judgments but a sort-of-life matter but more or less in a matter of fact situation. I presented my thoughts on her situation based on how the situations could possibly work out in scenario type of her action and his reaction.  

Well, on our next session on the following Tuesday, she indicated to me that she had had a conversation with the person, that we had discussed on the previous session, over the weekend. The way the conversation she had with this person she stated that it felt like I was an angel on her shoulder. A coincidence that we discussed this person and action and or reaction scenarios, I think not.  It was like I was able to provide her with information that she needed to know in order to handle this situation effectively and to her best interest.    

The reason that we are put into different people paths are not by happenstance. But, wither; we arise to the occasion using our God given talents is by our choice…“who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.” James 3:13 NASB True wisdom is from God because God is wisdom, which is sorely missing in this troubled world.  

I thank God for this gift and the ability to use this fruit. However, I praise Him for the open ears of the listener!!! Are your ears open to those simple conversations that impart wisdom to you today? If they are not open, you might just miss out on a blessing.  

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