
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Surviving Life Challenges

Many times I’ve been asked, “How did you go through the life challenges that you have faced?” This comment is said in response to the many challenges that I have faced. But it is mostly stated in the knowing of my surviving out of order death of my children and cancer twice.

First I’ll address the situation of out-living my children. These angels were only lent to me. They belonged to the Almighty Father before they were even a seed within my body. I rejoice in the fact that I know that I know, that when it is my time for my transition from the place they shall be at the gates waiting to live with me in eternity.  I must say eternity is a lot longer than this lifetime. Yes, I miss them and I live my daughter’s death each and every day that the Lord grants me a breath.  And yes there is an added burden when my friends and acquaintances rejoice at their children’s accomplishments and special life events.  I do travel to that place where I wonder where my children could or should have been or accomplished had they lived. I try not to rain on my friends and others parade with my thoughts. I keep them to myself and excuse myself when needed. But this is the cross I must bear and it I shall bear with the conviction of my Savior, for without him I could not GO THROUGH!

Let’s move forward into the multiple cancer challenges. Yes, treatment is grueling, tiring, and just not fun. But once again I faced this challenge in faith and not focusing on myself. For many, many years; Humm… I could say at least 25 year I’ve done an encouraging and edification ministry through sending regular cards, notes, and writings. For I have found that when you are facing life tests, being able to take yourself out of your own challenges and brighten someone else’s day, when they too are facing challenges, gives great joy. Well, it does for me. But I implore you if you are facing challenges try it, I’m most curtain that it too will bring you great delight.  

Our Lord allows life’s challenges to refine us not define us. The only way you may be refined is if you arise to the challenge and do not let it destroy your spirit. We are created with free will to choose. Is your choice refinement?

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