
Monday, January 28, 2013

Spoiled ≠ to Selfish

After one of the most amazing church services yesterday my sister in Christ daughter, Vanessa F. and I were having a conversation that for some reason we got on the topic of selfishness. As the conversation progressed I spoke of two instances relating to this topic. The first example was of what I consider pure selfishness of an adult; let’s say an adult friend who later proved to be an acquaintance (but that’s another topic for discussion at a later date). The other instance was about my personal thought on raising a non-spoiled child.

Let’s start with the adult with the selfish tendency. This woman had received a bottle of expensive champagne from her brother, who had received a settlement from litigation. She indicated to me that she had sat down and drank the whole bottle by herself. She didn’t even share it with her husband. Granted this was her bottle of libation and she was quite within her own decision to have drunk the whole bottle. Now at this time, I’m thinking we are friends, I pointed out how self-centered I thought her actions had been. “But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.” James 3:14 NIV I explained that had that been me I would have called all my close friends over to share in drinking the beverage. And even if each one of us only got a thimble of the wine, I would have found joy in sharing it with others in celebration of my sibling’s windfall. She purely didn’t get it and wasn’t too long later that she proved herself not to be a friend.

The next instance was when my daughter died, nearly 20 years ago. After her death, what is now called BFF Kyana C., told me that she will miss her and she knows that she will NEVER ever have another friend like her. This is one of the defining moments when a mother knows that she has raised her offspring to the best of their human ability, not perfect but RAISED with standards and integrity. Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord, saying, “‘The Lord is witness between you and me, and between your descendants and my descendants forever.’” Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town.” Samuel 20:42 NIV This conversation took me back further to when I was raising my daughter as a single child (as I too was also from a single child) family. I instilled within her the premise that there isn’t anything wrong with being spoiled but the problem that I have is with being selfish. To me spoiled means bringing the child up with what they need and supplying them with on occasion some wants or desires. I believe this is especially important in raising a girl child. For if the young woman is instilled with worth and is not impressed with little bobbles then when the hood rats come sniffing around the young woman she will not be impressed with dates of small gifts, movies and chicken n’ waffle dinners. Ohhhh, yes I went there. And this is what I call training up a child which proved exemplary in the comment that was made by my daughter’s BFF. . “For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light; And reproofs for discipline are the way of life…” Proverbs 6:23 NASB

Parents I implore you to RAISE your children, set boundaries, and yes, be that bad guy and say NO when necessary. You have been lent or let’s say entrusted with this precious being from the cradle to the grave.  This means leading by example, sending thank-you notes (via USPS and not email) for gifts you’ve received, setting boundaries, and recognizing true friendship.  For in the case of being thankful for a gift received, the giver took time to select and presented you with the gift so it is appropriate to let them know suitably that you indeed are appreciative. And sharing or even giving away precious items will bring you joy beyond compare. Don’t take my word for it, try it. Nevertheless we are all accountable for our actions to a greater authority and I for one want to hear, “Good job, my faithful servant”, how about you? “‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter...’ Luke 19:17 NIV I am thankful that I RAISED my child and that I know the difference between spoiled (within reasonable parameters) and selfishness. Do you?

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