
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Like Me

As I was going about my day after the 4thweek of Lifeway’s Women’s Bible Study by Jen Wilkin “God of Creation”. This thought would not leave me alone. The Bible has been used for century as a tool of oppression when it tool of freedom.  

It has been used to suppress people of African decent to free servitude and by many to nullify the significance of women is God’s scheme of God’s purpose of humankind. And both are present today just on different levels of previlance.

Once Adam saw Eve, “Then man said. “ This at last is bone of my bones an flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken of Man.”” Genesis 2:23And as Jen Wilkins stated, “Like me.” Both were created in the Creator image “like Him”. They are equal. Neither is above the other. The only one above is the One who was above from the beginning. “In the beginning…” For man is to treat the bone of his bone like himself. Not to lord over his helpmate. Does this mean that the physical attributes are equal? Of course they are not. In the scheme of responsibility of caring for earthy creation they are equivalent.

What saddens me is the motive of difference in human kind is prevalent in the world & in God’s house. This aim binds and keeps people from being all that they can be because I’m better than you, not equal. Leaders squash or take credit for others gifts or ideas God has given and it puts the wrong people in leadership because they can controlled or manipulated for they’re own selfish reasons. This doesn’t bring glory to His purpose nor does it amplify the many things that we have in common. Which is that we are created in His image. Instead it amplifies our differences on the physical level in place of magnifying our sameness with which He created us.

What we are to see is, “LIKE ME”, not I’m better than you because of my physical vessel God has chosen to place me in. We are the same and are to be treated in that sameness. We take care of our body so shall we take care of our helpmate and all of His human creation. Do not suppress what He gave us but give it freedom to be all He called us to be because fellow humans are no less or better than yourself. Later in the creation account and after the act of disobedience of man He gave man ruler ship over woman. Yet, He doesn’t nullify that she is bone mans bone. Man is still bound to treat his mate as he would himself. 

The leader who treats his charges with the respect of himself they willing submit. Wow, what a enlightening idea that was right there in the beginning. 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Fighting the Important Fight

As many might say pick your fight. I’ve often thought about those who want the controversy of which day is the Sabbath. Explaining their belief in their righteous ways and reasoning. I’ve stood back and just pondered the thought of really does it make a difference?

I’ve thought about this question over the years many times. God is there a right day to celebrate your rest from work? I often think of my thoughts about theology as a whole, Lord your righteous people have splinted off into many semblances. The ones who say Saturday and the ones who say Sunday is your choice of the day of rest. I wasn’t there & there wasn’t a calendar or timepiece to definitively set the day.

So as we try to persuade one another of our right-ness I am brought to the time on my daughter’s funeral. Let me clarify this statement. The church I was a member at the time of my child’s death was small so whenever there was a need of a funeral or wedding we utilized a fellow Christian church of a different denomination. The hosting church’s pastor initiated the program and as he started he spoke of my child and had to stop and stated something like, let me stop before I preach her funeral. But the following statement he stated has remained with me always, “In heaven there will not be Baptist or Methodist.” And this is correct. No denominations will be recognized.

So in the scheme of life will it matter which day we choose to rest? I think not. God knows us better than we know ourselves. If our heart matches our actions to serve Him in obedience will the day of the week matter which day we celebrated his creation in rest? I don’t believe so. Now I know many will continue to keep this conversation going but I say to you, Let us fight the important fights…like souls for Him.