
Wednesday, September 29, 2021


My morning thoughts marveled on four words ordained, allowed, called, and chosen. For many years these four words have come to my thoughts many, many times. Today I shall attempt to bring to the forefront what my revelations on these four words are.


I’ll first start with ordained and allowed. In my walk of this life, I see them as counterparts of one another, but I also see them as intertwined. So how could this be, you might say? Different yet related is what I believe. Let me explain. To be ordained is to be called to something specific, I’d say a calling assigned to an exclusive individual or situation. Now let’s look at allowed. It is that which is not necessarily planned but happen anyway. 


I contemplated these two words as it pertains to worldly actions, what my faith teachings & spiritual awakening allows me to realize that these two opposites, yet interweaved words pertain to daily life. My confidence in Him working all things out for His glory makes me aware that those things that He has ordained shall come to past no matter the plans of evil. Yet, the evil that is allowed to manifest will be worked out to benefit His glory. 


Now let’s move forward to called and chosen. So many times, I’ve heard the saying many are called but few are chosen. I’ve had some say to me I’ve been called by God to do whatever they think that they are to do in His service. My standard response has been the for mentioned statement. From my many contemplations with the Father I’ve come to the conclude that our Father calls many to action but there are some of those called who are special/so specific a message or task they are chosen for a “rubber hits the road moment.”


Moreover, as much as these two-on-two words are opposite yet intertwined I have come to think they are more related to one another. Someone or something can be allowed but not ordained and someone or something can be called yet not specify chosen for the most moving/important moments in life. I’m so thankful to Him I have been called to be chosen yet allowed and ordained to His service in His kingdom, though His infinite wisdom by the gifts He has bestowed on me and allowed me to manifest His works here on earth.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I Just Want to Help

Today, this morning as I sit playing a mindless game on my cellphone at 7 am CDT with the ABC News in the background reflecting on the loss of life 20 years ago. I’m thinking of the motives of Americans who just wanting to help each other through this attack on the American people. Yet, I’m reminded of the events of the last 19 months.


A worldwide event that affects every human on earth which has been used to divide not unite. 20 years ago, we were of one mind, helping one another. But today we’re divided because during a time when we should be more united that ever, individual rights are perceived to be more important than the heath of the whole.


I’m grieved & angry because that which so joined us 20 years ago has been long forgotten, amid a global pandemic. All I can think, all I can say, all I can shout is PUT A MASK ON, GET VACCINATED because I… you just want to help our fellow humans.