
Saturday, September 11, 2021

I Just Want to Help

Today, this morning as I sit playing a mindless game on my cellphone at 7 am CDT with the ABC News in the background reflecting on the loss of life 20 years ago. I’m thinking of the motives of Americans who just wanting to help each other through this attack on the American people. Yet, I’m reminded of the events of the last 19 months.


A worldwide event that affects every human on earth which has been used to divide not unite. 20 years ago, we were of one mind, helping one another. But today we’re divided because during a time when we should be more united that ever, individual rights are perceived to be more important than the heath of the whole.


I’m grieved & angry because that which so joined us 20 years ago has been long forgotten, amid a global pandemic. All I can think, all I can say, all I can shout is PUT A MASK ON, GET VACCINATED because I… you just want to help our fellow humans.

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