
Sunday, May 22, 2022



The word replacement is being thrown around as a tactic of a call to awareness for many sitting on the thrones in society who oversee social, political, economic, governmental & business arenas. It appears that this dog whistle is a battle cry of the us against the “others”. American and other nations have gabbled with the fear of “others” for an infinite amount of time. The thought that one is better than the other simply because of their race is that persistent pimple that raises it head time and time again.


Until the root, which is fear is extinguished, there will never be a society that is cohesive & progressive for all people. But maybe that is the point, there isn’t a REAL desire for cohesiveness nor progression. To have a shared body that works together someone may just have to give a little more than they are willing to give. This is so often the reasons that regulations, union, governmental bodies have had to be established.


Just think, if all arenas looked out for all entities that pertain to the success of their establishments, by providing safe & qualitative aspects (shareholders, partners & workers), most likely regulation wouldn’t be needed. However, this seems futile seemingly because those at the top see their slice smaller and that they are giving up too much to the lower ranks of society. In other words, profit, just plain greed, or fear that the less than may just get just a bit bigger slice of the pie or advance on the rung of success.


This fear of the “other” be it poor, depraved, racial or orientation is an acknowledgement that those in charge know that they have not treated others with respect and dignity. This awareness is the underlying motivator of centuries of oppression. Yes, that fear that knowing that many have not treated the “others” respectfully and the upcoming days are upon them. They shall reap that which they have sown.


The replacement theory is based on fear of retribution. This may be consequences long over do or inevitable because of changing societies demographics. Does the WE really mean all or just the upper crust in society? Do we really care for others? Are we all liars and greedy? Do we, do you, do I, care for my/our fellow man or are we all selfish and doomed societies of extinction causing our own demise? Yes, and that mean you too, elitist! Failure because of greed & fear is not sustainable. It leads only to destruction.


It's your choice. The I, the me, the one is stagnant. The WE are progressive. Hate is a sinking Titanic. And I’m not boarding that ship.

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