
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Blue Dream


For several weeks I’ve been contemplating writing this document. A couple of day after my last birthday I had one of the most vivid dreams that I’ve had in quite a long time. So here it goes.


The first part started off like I was riding on public bus transportation. It appeared that I was riding on the south bound number 8 bus Halsted. It seems that it stopped to pickup two passengers at the entrance of University of Chicago Circle Campus at the Taylor Street bus stop. The two boarding passengers appeared to be students a young man & woman. They appeared to be most likely in a boyfriend/girlfriend type of relationship, they were arguing about something but I couldn’t ascertain what they were arguing about.


The bus wasn’t a model that is presently used. I looked around and I didn’t see any individual windows. What I saw was like a surround sound like view of all-around the bus’s exterior. As I look towards the back, I saw this enormous blue wave headed toward the bus. Like this wave was going to engulf the bus. Once the wave hit the bus the wave became white snow, causing me to wake up.


Weeks have passed and I’ve attempted to make sense of the dream. The climate of American politics has come to the forefront of my thoughts. The arguing, divisiveness, lies flowing like hurricane seeking destruction, hate, greed, downright evil is attempting to destroy this country’s democracy.  


This dream has given me hope that blue has a significance in the survival of For the people, By the people. Not a society for the wealthy at the expense of many.

Sunday, May 22, 2022



The word replacement is being thrown around as a tactic of a call to awareness for many sitting on the thrones in society who oversee social, political, economic, governmental & business arenas. It appears that this dog whistle is a battle cry of the us against the “others”. American and other nations have gabbled with the fear of “others” for an infinite amount of time. The thought that one is better than the other simply because of their race is that persistent pimple that raises it head time and time again.


Until the root, which is fear is extinguished, there will never be a society that is cohesive & progressive for all people. But maybe that is the point, there isn’t a REAL desire for cohesiveness nor progression. To have a shared body that works together someone may just have to give a little more than they are willing to give. This is so often the reasons that regulations, union, governmental bodies have had to be established.


Just think, if all arenas looked out for all entities that pertain to the success of their establishments, by providing safe & qualitative aspects (shareholders, partners & workers), most likely regulation wouldn’t be needed. However, this seems futile seemingly because those at the top see their slice smaller and that they are giving up too much to the lower ranks of society. In other words, profit, just plain greed, or fear that the less than may just get just a bit bigger slice of the pie or advance on the rung of success.


This fear of the “other” be it poor, depraved, racial or orientation is an acknowledgement that those in charge know that they have not treated others with respect and dignity. This awareness is the underlying motivator of centuries of oppression. Yes, that fear that knowing that many have not treated the “others” respectfully and the upcoming days are upon them. They shall reap that which they have sown.


The replacement theory is based on fear of retribution. This may be consequences long over do or inevitable because of changing societies demographics. Does the WE really mean all or just the upper crust in society? Do we really care for others? Are we all liars and greedy? Do we, do you, do I, care for my/our fellow man or are we all selfish and doomed societies of extinction causing our own demise? Yes, and that mean you too, elitist! Failure because of greed & fear is not sustainable. It leads only to destruction.


It's your choice. The I, the me, the one is stagnant. The WE are progressive. Hate is a sinking Titanic. And I’m not boarding that ship.

Monday, October 25, 2021


Over the years the term identifies a person as bitter has been unitized to define a person. But as I have lived and learned it is most often use by those who cannot or will not accept their own irrational behavior/s or inability to self-own their own conduct that interfere with the safety or needs of those that they “say” they care for (lip service) or have been undoubtably proven wrong. 


Having self-awareness has been my guiding light that allows me to know that the use of words with undertone of those who deflect their own fault by attempting place their own issues onto others. Working in industries, education & having family members with which at all costs will beat or bend others to their will makes awareness necessary.   


No one, not no one has walked my walk nor has kept me from growth & to know my worth better than being self-aware has been my trusted companion. Making ones self-righteous of what another deems a flaw by their definition only continues to deflection the misguided analysis of another. Loving the skin, I’ve called self-awareness. Like it, love it, hate it or being indifferent, I heart my self-awareness. 


Even He who can when others cannot walked His walk self-aware of that with which He is.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Simplest Gesture

A slight lifted smile filled my lips the morning.  It occurred from a thought of a simple gesture from a friend yesterday. 


Yesterday I finally got to visit with a friend’s husband & his family that I hadn’t seen in over eleven years. My friend had passed away a little less than a year ago and her husband in previous conversations since her passing had told me that when he had gone through her belongings that he kept the handmade items that I’d made for her over the years. During this brief visit as in previous conversation he made it a declaration verbally in presence of others is what made the smile come the previous day’s visit. The remembrance of this little act just filled my heart with delight and made me just automatically smile internally and externally.


This simple little expression of what my handmade items had meant to her & him just delights me beyond words. So often my personalized knit & crochet items with which I take my time, an element that is as important to me as the person with which I’m making the item for, I feel are discarded without a thought. 


The simplest thoughts & acts can make the difference in one’s life & I’m here to rejoice in this memory. I’m hopeful that many will see this and recognize that it doesn’t take a lot of money to bring joy to one another, just a unassuming truthful loving gesture can make the biggest impact.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


My morning thoughts marveled on four words ordained, allowed, called, and chosen. For many years these four words have come to my thoughts many, many times. Today I shall attempt to bring to the forefront what my revelations on these four words are.


I’ll first start with ordained and allowed. In my walk of this life, I see them as counterparts of one another, but I also see them as intertwined. So how could this be, you might say? Different yet related is what I believe. Let me explain. To be ordained is to be called to something specific, I’d say a calling assigned to an exclusive individual or situation. Now let’s look at allowed. It is that which is not necessarily planned but happen anyway. 


I contemplated these two words as it pertains to worldly actions, what my faith teachings & spiritual awakening allows me to realize that these two opposites, yet interweaved words pertain to daily life. My confidence in Him working all things out for His glory makes me aware that those things that He has ordained shall come to past no matter the plans of evil. Yet, the evil that is allowed to manifest will be worked out to benefit His glory. 


Now let’s move forward to called and chosen. So many times, I’ve heard the saying many are called but few are chosen. I’ve had some say to me I’ve been called by God to do whatever they think that they are to do in His service. My standard response has been the for mentioned statement. From my many contemplations with the Father I’ve come to the conclude that our Father calls many to action but there are some of those called who are special/so specific a message or task they are chosen for a “rubber hits the road moment.”


Moreover, as much as these two-on-two words are opposite yet intertwined I have come to think they are more related to one another. Someone or something can be allowed but not ordained and someone or something can be called yet not specify chosen for the most moving/important moments in life. I’m so thankful to Him I have been called to be chosen yet allowed and ordained to His service in His kingdom, though His infinite wisdom by the gifts He has bestowed on me and allowed me to manifest His works here on earth.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

I Just Want to Help

Today, this morning as I sit playing a mindless game on my cellphone at 7 am CDT with the ABC News in the background reflecting on the loss of life 20 years ago. I’m thinking of the motives of Americans who just wanting to help each other through this attack on the American people. Yet, I’m reminded of the events of the last 19 months.


A worldwide event that affects every human on earth which has been used to divide not unite. 20 years ago, we were of one mind, helping one another. But today we’re divided because during a time when we should be more united that ever, individual rights are perceived to be more important than the heath of the whole.


I’m grieved & angry because that which so joined us 20 years ago has been long forgotten, amid a global pandemic. All I can think, all I can say, all I can shout is PUT A MASK ON, GET VACCINATED because I… you just want to help our fellow humans.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

What About Is-um

Human nature at its finest, predicable. Yesterday a friend of mine of many years posted to her social media feed what she called an **EMOTIONAL Post – couldn’t help myself**. The ‘just’ about the post was sicken feeling after one of her followers posted the comparison of the preservation of concentration camps to the removal of statues. I knew when I wrote my reply to her post that there would be at least one who post an ‘what about is-um’.

Her post hit home for me. It was like déjà vu. My response was as follow: Bottom line losers don’t get statue. That is everywhere except in the United States. I feel you. Often time I’ve been told when the discussion of slavery comes up, “When are you going to get over it.” My stock answers is & will remain, NEVER. African Americans are always told to get over slavery. No one ever ask Jewish people to get over the Holocaust.” A few weeks ago, I was thanked by one of my friends who is White, for being frank enough to have this conversation with her. She’s lived here the majority of her life & had never gotten citizenship. But since the 2016 election & our conversation she is eager for November 3, 2020 to cast her vote. Keep the faith. Until the American history books stop telling HIS-tory & tells the truth many will not understand why POC have had enough, 400 years is MORE than enough. 

This morning I was not disappointed to awake to a post 8 hours after mine to the ‘what about is-um’. In this reply directed to me was the expression of “don’t forget the Irish slaves…slaves (labor) in China…” Not surprised, I mused at this ‘is-um’.   

The amusement led to the thought, here we go once again. Let’s change the focus on the hundreds of years of injustices of Black to others who have suffered injustice. This is no different than when Black express Black Lives Matter and it is met with the response of All Lives Matters. 

The lack of understanding & the belittling of suffering of 400 years to the point a complete race of people that have no identity. There is a continued consorted effort to minimize rights & ability to thrive. Until those who have “privilege” understand the magnitude of suffering of POC & their contribution to its continuance.  The “privileged’ must gain understanding, truth in HIS-tory, and the ability to have empathy is at the seed of beginning of understanding.