
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Without Reverence

I woke up this morning and I would say "I had reverence on my mind." My thoughts floated from the fact of being five generations from being a slave to today’s "ageist antics." I then thought about today’s society’s youth who think it is the responsibility of the older generation to treat them with respect. This is when in turn they do not “first” respect those who have paved the way for them. So... once again I'm back to reverence.

 Since I’m back at reverence, let's take a look at the definition.  - Reverence – noun – honor or respect felt or shown profound adorning awed respect. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of saints, and to be held in reverence of all of them that are about him." Psalm 89: 7 KJV. With these definitions, man’s and God's reference, I will expound on an act of disrespect at a church I once attended. This act of irreverence was in the wrong place, the church, but it was done in its most reverent position the pulpit.

 A young member in leadership of this church went into the pulpit and expounded his thoughts about how the older people in the church should act towards the younger. Mind you this church is over 113 years in its quest to serve Christ and its community. In short he stated that the older people don't respect the younger people. When I was RAISED it was said that in order to get respect one must give respect. Does this younger generation have some mixed up notion that they truly believe this is the way to obtain respect, just because you have youth? Most of all I do not understand how leadership of this church would allow dishonor in the pulpit sanctified position within our Father’s house.

This example of lack of reverence and respect, even within the sanctuary and its pioneers shows why there is no reverence to God. These pioneers have and are still going THROUGH on their journeys in this life time. Once again if you are giving respect you will get respect.  These forerunners know and show true reverence to God and His house. Youth, children, young people remember where you come from. When you give these pioneers and God reverence and respect you will gain reverence and respect in due turn and time. Without these older people and God there would be no YOU.

Leadership, stand up admonish disrespect. Giving dishonor in God’s house should not be tolerated. Maybe this is the reason why the youth have no honor or respect of position. Young people, how can you say from your mouth how reverent you place the Father God you cannot see but have no respect for the elders you do see? Reverence although it is a state of being also in an action. Showing reverence to those around you is showing reverence to Him who loves you. And once you have supplied reverence you will find respect. This is my idea of “reverence on my mind.”

1 comment:

melanie said...

This is the sorry way it is. I won't say the whole younger generation but those who were raised believing they deserve respect without giving it. Again it comes down to PARENTS raising their children to show respect to God, and everyone.