
Friday, July 20, 2012

The War is on

This morning we were greeted with the atrocity of the day. Gunman kills 14 and wounds more than 50 at a premier of a Batman movie in Aurora, Colorado. I am reminded of two things; number one – God is still in control and number two – He gives us free will. Okay Father we are back to the free will concept once again.

 The gunman’s intent was clear. He was there on a mission to cause disarray. And to some point he has been successful. But although his intent is clear our Father’s intent is even clearer in His Word. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:11-13 NIV.

Equip ourselves through supplication, study, prayer, and stop refusing to answer our Father’s calls upon our lives. Yes YOU get with the program. For the days to come, the weeks to come, the years to come we are indeed in battle. Soooo, my challenge to you; offer up prayers of healing for those impacted by this atrocity. This is for ALL affected, families of the decease, those recovering from injuries, and the family of the gunman.  We are accountable for OUR reactions to this situation.   


Anonymous said...

Amen amen amen

Unknown said...

In watching the commentators in regards to this tragedy in Colorado it never occured to me how the journalist and camera men are intimately impacted by the stories they cover. Imagine being the newsreporter on this case at he theater? Imagine trying to report the facts without the feeling? unimaginable! This is a decentperspective when we are asked to pray because prayer will all irrespectively. Good subject to arouse the faith