
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Friendship Montage

This past weekend I was filled with celebration of friendship with three different friends. And as I reflect on this weekend I was drawn to a comment by one of my friends. This comment expressed that I do not discriminate in friendship. This observation became illuminated in the spending and enjoyable three days with three different people that I am privileged go call “friend”. And these three days exemplified the true montage in friendship that my life is filled with. My friends are a real tapestry of friendship.

I have friends older, same age and younger than myself. For example on Saturday I spend the time with a friend of over 20 years and her family. This friend is old enough to be my mother but her family over the years has enveloped me into their family.

On Sunday I shared dinner with former co-workers parents. I have the opportunity to have dinner with them at least once a month and speak with them weekly. By the way they are in their 90’s. They too, consider me a part of their family and call me their daughter. Because they are of a different race, often times I get stare from people who eyes which express the comment of, “Why is she with those people”, and sometimes they are even bold enough to ask how I know these elderly people. So my stock answer is that these are my parents. You could SMASH mud on those goggled eyes in disbelief. But what can they say? It’s none of their business anyway!

Then on Monday, the holiday, I spent the day with a graduate school friend at an Expo. After the Expo we visited with one of my friend’s lifelong friends. These two friends are younger than I. Throughout the many occasions that we have gathered we have developed an inner circle of our own.

Do I have a lot of friends? No. Do I have quality in friends? Yes. So when I page though acquaintances or friends of friends Facebook pages I most readily remember that one doesn’t get a prize for the number of people you friend. Keep your inner circle tight. For everyone who you “Friend” you may not be your friend. Oh and by the way the reply to the comment by my friend that I don’t discriminate in friendship my response was, “Yes, I have a variety of friends. I give everyone a chance for if they are not a friend it will not take long for them to show their true colors.”

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