
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blessings in Foreign Form

Often time’s people miss out on their blessings because it doesn’t come in the packaging that they expect. This is a sad realization. We pray and we pray for breakthroughs and blessings to rain down on us. But we do not recognize the blessing when it is set before us.

Last week I was invited and privileged to attend a prophetic anointed service that the anointing of Kevin Leal was unleashed to the benefit of the attendees. One of the topics he touched on was the inability of God’s people to recognize when God has sent someone into their live to bless them. He referenced scripture in 1 Samuel 30. Within this scripture the chapter is the revelation of a successful battle which was granted to David through a most unlikely source.

David and his warriors raised their voice to the Lord to know how they should proceed in battle. For he was in pursuit of the Amalekite’s who had raided and captured two of his wives. A blessing in the form of an improbable messenger was a sick and left behind Egyptian servant of an Amalekite.

The Lord sent them a resource outside their familiarity, not in a package they would expect. Yet David kept within his faith in the Father to accept this gift from an unlike source. And this acceptance caused him to be successful in battle and recovery of his wives. So as Kevin Leal stated, “Lord send me my Egyptian.” Do you want yours?

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