
Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Best Name

Throughout the day often times I may call out the name Jesus and I am met with, “What has He got to do with it?  Or leave His name out of this.” And my stock answer is, “As long as I have breath in this body I shall proclaim Him and His name, it is the best name to call upon. I am His and He is mine. His name is above all other names. He took my sins and iniquities away by being my personal sacrifice. And most of all I LOVE Him. So…to those who do not understand I pray that the scales on your eyes are melted away, your heart is opened and your mouth too can call upon on Him regularly. But most of all I pray that you too would accept Him as Your personal Savior and will call upon Him daily. “As surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.”” Romans 14:11 NIV

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