
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Self love + Self commitment = peace

HELLO world YES, I am back. It has been a bit of a hiatus on this blog but I’m back!

Over the past few weeks I’ve pondered some blog topics and I have a big list. But as I was in prayer this morning my thoughts came to my self-commitment. Yes, as people who have a tendency to please others and we often neglect ourselves. This year one of my self-commitments, which I’m sticking to without reservation, has been an inner peace stabilizer.

You say, what is the commitment? It is not letting other’s failure to plan become a necessity or immediate response in my life. Often times I will go the extra mile for others. Yet sending invites, plan-able changes, try-outs, membership meetings, rehearsals, parties this is not a point when I’m going to jump on command. ALL participants should be given adequate notification. Yes, your time is important to you and likewise mine is important to me. Yours will not take precedence over mine. I love me even if you do not by action…only verbal. But that is another blog topic to explore.

Bottom line is…my inner peace is a valuable commodity to me even if it isn’t to you. LUV you, yes smooches but I’m hugging and kissing all over my own inner peace.

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