
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Getting Real... Love Thy Neighbor

My life cannot be simple and uneventful. This I found out yesterday as I ran errands yesterday afternoon. All of the errands where complete in the middle of the afternoon and I was waiting for public transportation to go home. At the bus stop I notice a short woman exit a currency exchange just outside the bus stop. What I noticed was not only her nationality, her height but the fact that she was in desperate need of a touch up on her white roots of about one inch. 

The bus of the route that I needed to take was approaching and I moved closer to the bus stop sign. When the bus proceeded to stop this woman walks up to me and attempted to snatch the bag with my purchase from Bed Bath & Beyond. What this woman didn’t know is that I had the double plastic bags wrapped around my left wrist. As she grabbed my bag she shouted, “Mine.” I looked at her in shock and got a firmer grip on my bag and stated, “You better let my bag go.” She looked dumb founded.

Once I got on the bus the operator and a handicapped passenger asked me what had happened. I stated that, “This woman attempted to snatch my bag and she almost got her butt whipped.” The ride home, even with high school students aboard, was quite peaceful. As I exited the bus the operator stated that the woman might have been confused. But my thought on this is that she picked the wrong victim. I also stated that I planned to report this incident to the police.

Once I arrived home I made a non-emergency call to the police, left message for a call back from a police officer.  This morning a message was left on phone about my call from the day before. The officer didn’t leave a name, just stated that I could call 311 if I still needed to make a report. I called back immediately and spoke with an officer who exclaimed that a crime was not committed. No I was knocked down, I didn’t get a scratch on me and, no I didn’t pop the offender for attacking me. The only reason I didn’t get harmed is because I was able to defend myself. The officer claimed to check with her supervisor and they agreed that a crime was not committed. So now I’m still waiting on this police supervisor to call me back.

Last night I had to take the offender to the throne of grace with prayer. For had it not been for my having my wits about myself 1) she could have stolen my purchase and 2) I could have hurt this woman more than she realizes. My major concern is that the next victim might not be as aware or elderly. This could result in possible broken limbs or some other harm for the offender or the next possible victim. Also, I had to remember that although this person attacked me I have to realize to true attacker which is an attempt to take me outside my inner peace from the Almighty.

Now I must continue to on the vigilance of prayer for the offender, the police department, and myself keeping a pleasing reaction to attacks. But hey what can I say? In Him I’m up to the challenge. For all are children of the Almighty. . “All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” John 1:3 NASB

Note: I do not know if this attacker has some type of mental condition or if she is possibly working within a robbery ring of snatch and grab. So anyone shopping in the vicinity of Roosevelt Road and Jefferson Street in Chicago stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings.

1 comment:

Lori P said...

Sounds like this woman needs help! Glad that you are ok and were able to defend yourself. Curious to know, how old was this woman.