
Friday, October 12, 2012


Our backs are up against the wall. We have nothing and no hope. I am at the end of my rope. These sayings are staples in the arena of defeat. But I say to you ask the One who can give to “Sure –nough” help is the message delivered by the Reverend Donna Anderson of Trinity Waukegan AME Church. This message was offered at the Hour of Power services yesterday October 11, 2012 noon session at the 130th session of the Chicago Annual Conference held at The Hilton Milwaukee City Center.

The delivery of this message was heartfelt, effective and biblically grounded.  The title of “What do you do when you have nothing?” is a self-realization of how self-limiting people can cause their own demise. The scriptural focus has a foundation in 2 Kings 4:1-17. This is where we find a widow who is in dire financial end of her rope. She has, what she thinks is nothing to support herself or her children. But she knew to call upon the prophet to help her through, to find her help. In this biblical time the prophet was the conduit to answers from God. The answer was supplied and she followed the instruction which removed her from her death walk of insurmountable debt.

 Today we have a direct line because of New Testament principles but the bases are the same. We must go to the One who has the answer in all things. And this doesn’t mean that this should only be done when we have no other recourse. We should seek Him in all of our endeavors.

In addition Reverend Anderson ended her message with an analogy. This analogy referenced a fisherman who was fishing and was observed as measuring his catch and throwing back the larger fish. When the man was questioned as to why he threw back the larger catch his answer was that his skillet was only 8 inches. Therefore, any fish longer than 8 inches would not fit in his skillet so he would throw it back. The answer per Anderson is a bigger skillet. And immediately I thought, just cut the larger catch and it will fit. This man was limiting his achievement.  Beloved are you limiting your catch…your achievements… your blessings? 

Note: Thank you Reverend Donna Anderson your message is timely and well supported. You are to be applauded as a woman of God with the gift of delivering the Word to a depraved and deprived world who believes that there is no hope.

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