
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

To be appreciated

I have been crafting for over 32 years. Self taught at crocheting and most recently a knitter. I truly love making things with my hand. As far back as I can remember I’ve loved color, contrast, matching, complementing and coordinating. Even in high school I took art major and some friends and family display some of these projects. Recently I set out to brush-up my degreed area of graphic design.

One Christmas I made everyone in my family and close friends gift from mittens, hats, turbots’, scarfs and afghans. Over the years I have made it a point to make sure all of my closest friends had an afghan. Recently I realized that some of my newer friends did not have a cozy so I’ve embarked on remedying this.

But as I embarked on making these gifts of warmth I could count on one hand how many really appreciated these gifts. Some when in passing say, “You know I have mine.” While others just flippantly look away dismissively. However, today someone expressed how this handmade gift is just what she had been praying for.

Some gifts crocheted, some knitted, digital designed and even some canning. Lord knows in my heart I truly love giving not just the gift but taking the time that it takes for me to make these items. Picking out the pattern, selecting the color, making it, gift-wrapping, praying over the item as I make it, and mailing it. My precious time that the Lord has honored me; time that I can never regain, a true part of me is put in each item that I make.

Yes, those who do not appreciate these gifts of love out weigh the ones who just beam from knowing the care that I’ve given them, my time, my love…these I cannot get back is well worth it.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Conversation of longing

ME: Oh My Baby I miss you so much this morning. How I long to be with you.

Andriess:  Mommy, I miss you too, but He has much work for you there in the natural. We shall have our eternity together with Him.

ME: On the outside the face of gladness because of Him and on the inside the heartbreak of celebrating your 21st homecoming…I miss you each and everyday, hour, minute, second because I see those celebrations for you in this life I shall never have when I look at other’s children each and every day  – graduations, marriage, grandchildren, triumphs and days of lessons learned.

To you out there who are chasing around for that perfect Christmas gift. It has already been given. It is Christ and no money can purchase it. So as we prepare to celebrate His birth in three day all you have to do is say “YES” to this gift and your life will never be the same. It will give you a motivation and a peace for living even when the obstacles of the life tell you there is none.

HE is the reason for the season and the reason that I can live and proclaim His name today faced with the earthly fact that I have buried two children…King Jesus my brother, my Savior…a gift through grace (unmerited favor) You are mine and I am Yours!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thank you Love

Lord THANK YOU…it really isn’t enough. Especially in the light of all the foolishness that You have to put up with from Your creation. All You want us to do is to freely love and serve you.

In this “all about me world” of “self imposed indulgent entitlement”…how do we get there?

You are the clear doer of You commandment…love your neighbor as yourself. How do we imitate this in a world that sees kindness as a weakness or views gift giving as a threat to position, prestige or a tool to get whatever they can get out of someone? Yet I know that I am only responsible for my actions in response to their actions.

This doesn’t imply a “door mat” mentality. Yes, love them in spite for their actions or intent. Yet they may view this as being un-loving because they do not understand true love. But Lord my prayer is that You open their eyes to see true love (the action word), understanding, and peace. For You Lord, have blessed me with this gift and I shall stand fast unmovable under Your umbrella of loving You and my neighbor.  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

God is looking for men & woman to stand in the gap Day 3 - New Life Pilsen, Resurgence Conference 2014

Another powerful spirit filled service for resurgence of God’s people was delivered yesterday, day three of New Life Resurgence Conference 2014. A mighty message by Pastor Wilfredo “Choco” DeJesus of New Life Covenant Church, Chicago, Illinois was brought. A message of, “God is looking for men & woman to stand in the gap”, was deeply received.

God was and is still looking for those who are willing to do what it takes for the greater good. Some how in the span of 50 to 60 years standards of excellence have been destroyed. We the faithful have not been moved to resurgence to say, “NO MORE.”

Ahhh, has your interested been peeked? Well take a look if you missed out on this powerful message you may view it at:

New Life Pilsen Chicago’s website

Or UTube

The conference is not over so come today and get your blessing on. Sunday services are being held at 11:00 AM and 7:00PM(healing service), which will be delivered by Pastor Elias Flores. Be there and get your blessing on! If you need a ride contact the church, info is provide via the website. Now for those who are homebound or unable to physically attend please visit the website during the service times, it will be live streaming. Hope to see you!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Developing a Kingdom Mentality Day 2 – New Life Pilsen, Resurgence Conference 2014

Okay guys if you were not there yesterday for day two of New Life Pilsen’s Resurgence Conference you missed out on a treat, a word from the Lord delivered by Pastor Brian Sisneros, “Developing a Kingdom Mentality”.

This is a message confirming God’s true purpose in the creation of man. Man is an extension of Him here on earth. But because of sin He had to reconcile us to Him though the sacrifice of Christ. It confirms that all is of God and belongs to Him, His reigning kingdom realized here on earth.

Now if you missed it don’t fret because you can view it view New Life Pilsen Chicago’s website

But don’t continue to miss out on your blessing in the physical attendance of Resurgence Conference 2014 for the conference continues for two more days with services tonight 7:30 PM and tomorrow 11:00 AM and 7:00PM(healing service). Be there and get your blessing on! If you need a ride contact the church, info is provide via the website. Now for those who are homebound or unable to physically attend please visit the website during the service times, it will be live streaming. Hope to see you!