
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

To be appreciated

I have been crafting for over 32 years. Self taught at crocheting and most recently a knitter. I truly love making things with my hand. As far back as I can remember I’ve loved color, contrast, matching, complementing and coordinating. Even in high school I took art major and some friends and family display some of these projects. Recently I set out to brush-up my degreed area of graphic design.

One Christmas I made everyone in my family and close friends gift from mittens, hats, turbots’, scarfs and afghans. Over the years I have made it a point to make sure all of my closest friends had an afghan. Recently I realized that some of my newer friends did not have a cozy so I’ve embarked on remedying this.

But as I embarked on making these gifts of warmth I could count on one hand how many really appreciated these gifts. Some when in passing say, “You know I have mine.” While others just flippantly look away dismissively. However, today someone expressed how this handmade gift is just what she had been praying for.

Some gifts crocheted, some knitted, digital designed and even some canning. Lord knows in my heart I truly love giving not just the gift but taking the time that it takes for me to make these items. Picking out the pattern, selecting the color, making it, gift-wrapping, praying over the item as I make it, and mailing it. My precious time that the Lord has honored me; time that I can never regain, a true part of me is put in each item that I make.

Yes, those who do not appreciate these gifts of love out weigh the ones who just beam from knowing the care that I’ve given them, my time, my love…these I cannot get back is well worth it.

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