
Monday, December 22, 2014

Conversation of longing

ME: Oh My Baby I miss you so much this morning. How I long to be with you.

Andriess:  Mommy, I miss you too, but He has much work for you there in the natural. We shall have our eternity together with Him.

ME: On the outside the face of gladness because of Him and on the inside the heartbreak of celebrating your 21st homecoming…I miss you each and everyday, hour, minute, second because I see those celebrations for you in this life I shall never have when I look at other’s children each and every day  – graduations, marriage, grandchildren, triumphs and days of lessons learned.

To you out there who are chasing around for that perfect Christmas gift. It has already been given. It is Christ and no money can purchase it. So as we prepare to celebrate His birth in three day all you have to do is say “YES” to this gift and your life will never be the same. It will give you a motivation and a peace for living even when the obstacles of the life tell you there is none.

HE is the reason for the season and the reason that I can live and proclaim His name today faced with the earthly fact that I have buried two children…King Jesus my brother, my Savior…a gift through grace (unmerited favor) You are mine and I am Yours!

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