
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Thank you Love

Lord THANK YOU…it really isn’t enough. Especially in the light of all the foolishness that You have to put up with from Your creation. All You want us to do is to freely love and serve you.

In this “all about me world” of “self imposed indulgent entitlement”…how do we get there?

You are the clear doer of You commandment…love your neighbor as yourself. How do we imitate this in a world that sees kindness as a weakness or views gift giving as a threat to position, prestige or a tool to get whatever they can get out of someone? Yet I know that I am only responsible for my actions in response to their actions.

This doesn’t imply a “door mat” mentality. Yes, love them in spite for their actions or intent. Yet they may view this as being un-loving because they do not understand true love. But Lord my prayer is that You open their eyes to see true love (the action word), understanding, and peace. For You Lord, have blessed me with this gift and I shall stand fast unmovable under Your umbrella of loving You and my neighbor.  

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