
Monday, July 9, 2012

Heeding warnings part III

Sorry to have been away for a while but I’M BACK!

Recently the Lord has helped to see an understanding about His creation.  He gave his creation, man, free will. This revelation gives significance to my warnings to my co-worker and former neighbor in part I and II of Heeding warnings.

Often times the Lord places people into our lives to make their travels easier. Many times they do not consider this road map. Numerous times I have termed this as “Going to the school of hard knocks.” We in the faith cannot become discouraged when we give sound insight. Yes, even when it is solicited and not followed. All, yes all, believers and non-believers are God’s creation and He gave us all free will.

So…be encouraged for the insightfulness from our Father places discerned up our hearts for our fellow journey mates. Whether they CHOOSE to head our gift of insight is their choice. Our choice is not too fade, but to continue to utilize your discernment gift and to impart this insight unto those He has spoken to you to bless the recipient with your gift. “And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9 NASB

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