
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Heeding warnings part II

Heeding warnings part II

The second young woman whom I had contact during a time that I call heeding warnings was a co-worker. Sometimes, we would have lunch together, and once I was invited along with my adolescent daughter to have a summer holiday meal. At one time, we had worked in the same office and occasionally would have lunch with each other. At one of these lunch visits, at a local soul food restaurant, we got into a conversation about our situation with our estranged husbands.  At this point, she had expressed on occasion she went out with and slept with her spouse. As we talked about this matter, I explained to her my thoughts on this situation. I expressed an old saying that I today still totally agree with. “A man might not want you, but they do not want you to be with anyone else.” I expressed my concern for her safety.

Let us fast forward about a year later. This co-worker and I no longer worked in the same office but still worked within groups in the same office building. One Thursday at lunch time I went up to her office’s work location and had a conversation with her and her pod mates. I looked at her and then looked away. Even so, I immediately had to look back at her. I saw what appeared to be an aura glow surrounding her. At this point, I thought, “How strange” but didn’t recognize its significance.

The next day the three offices in our building were made aware of an emergency situation at this former co-workers home. Apparently, the co-worker’s sister had arrived that morning to drive her and her daughters to work and school, and the police had to be called. It seems that the estranged husband had spent the night and when the sister arrived to pick the woman and her girls up he shoved the daughters out of the door at the sister and locked the door. The sister and daughters went to the neighbors and called the police. When the officers arrived, they could not enter the residence because the emergency call for help was not placed by my co-worker. The police had to want for the supervisor to arrive before they could break down the door and enter the premise.

Once they entered the home my former co-worker’s throat was slashed from ear to ear. Needless to say she did not survive her wound, and her husband went to jail. And one of the most ironic situations that happened when the family made arrangements for her funeral, and with these preparations they had to go to the jail to get her husband’s approval to cremate her body.

As I think back on this instance of unnecessary loss of life, I think today that there might be someone out there that is experiencing this same or similar situation. So I say to you, please seek shelter and heed the warning,

In my next update, I will tie together my thoughts on heeding warnings.

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