
Monday, September 1, 2014


Over the past few weeks I have been thinking of hospitality. What does it really mean? Well, according to Merriam Webster:

os·pi·tal·i·ty noun \ˌhäs-pə-ˈta-lə-tē\
: generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests : hospitable treatment
: the activity of providing food, drinks, etc. for people who are the guests or customers of an organization (Retrieved - 9/1/14 - )

As I looked at these two definitions I would think that the Christian mission is to encompass both of these defined attributes; treatment of visitor/guest and what we often call fellowship of breaking bread (providing food/drink) When offering hospitality we are inviting in, accepting, welcoming guest & members. We make them fill desired and that their presence is important. For when we openly welcome these brothers, sisters, guest we are inviting God into our fold. God as Guest Another theme possibly provided an incentive for hospitality: God might be the guest. God or the angel of the Lord at times, unexpectedly appeared in the person of the stranger (Genesis 18:1, Genesis 18:10; 19:1; Judges 6:11-24; 13:2-23).] - Retrieved - September 1, 2014 (Genesis 18: 1 &10 – God’s speaking to & promising Isaac, Genesis 19:1 – The Doom of Sodom spoken to Lot by angels at the gateway & Judges 6:11-24 – Speaks of Gideon Is Visited by an angel.)

I continued to look at several articles on Christian hospitality and I was surprised to find writing about those who exclude others.  My thoughts reflected not just on the hospitality as an action but the interaction within the ministry. Sometimes people get so hug up on “THEIR ministry” Well, I am here to say it is not theirs it is “GOD”S ministry.” [Jesus frequently comes to the defense of those whom society looks down upon, and frequently warns and chastises those who have achieved societal respectability. Jesus tells his hosts to proactively include the excluded in the blessing of hospitality., pg. 14 - Retrieved – September 1, 2014.

I have pondered over this thought about hospitality…hummm… Yes we invite, we share, is it lip service. Are we true? Are motives pure? Are we all encompassing/including? It is not me or I but we, better yet is it about God?

Lord, I just want to be found following what you have instructed. Sharing what you have given me vision, using my gifts of edification and others and remaining prayerful that those who motives are internal become external.

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