
Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I have been called bitchy; I am no man’s bitch. I have been called mean and oh yeah intimidating. These perceptions are because what some truly see is something that they CANNOT shake…You Lord.

This is their problem not mine. I know when I’m being used and abused and I am not having it. For if they did not have their own self-serving agenda they would see God’s love shining brightly within me. But they choose to look through their own venal motived eyes. These eyes are shrouded and hardened in a pit of despair that they’ve allowed. I love them, I pray for them.  My God never said I should allow them to take over my spirit or beat me down.

He has placed a mind-boggling strength that keeps me moving forward…unchained to their human egoism. And like comedian and “THE TALK” host said, “bruised but not broken.” Keeping it moving in God’s love with His grace. “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil.” Ecclesiastes 8:11 NASB

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