
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Reflections Towards Anticipation

I am looking back on 2015 and towards 2016 and I see both as they blend into one another. At the end of July 2015 I realized I hadn’t read a single book. And I said to myself this will not do. Since then I’ve read twelve books and look towards completing at least two more before years end. They have inspired, taught me and revealed a lot about myself. I have gained in contemplation of who I am, whose I am, and what I & He wants me to accomplish.

With this realization I’ve had to take some steps to change directions and eliminate anything that is distractive, destructive, not purposeful in me reaching my God ordained destiny. And with this fork-in-the road I have peace. Yet, some deem it as, “You shouldn’t be doing this.” But what do they have in stake in this matter? Oh, they were benefiting from my “pit” syndrome. It suited them fine, but they failed to be self-reflective of their part that they played in this redirection. Yet they didn’t ask directly, why the change? Their focus is not on what is beneficial for my growth or kingdom growth. The emphasis is on what they have lost, but I see it as someone else is going gain from what they have given way.

Yes, the vision board is done. There are tons of books to be read and written. I anticipate growth & blessings beyond gauge-able ability in 2016. Let the festivities begin! Woo Hoo, Hallelujah, praise the Lord and, “The Lord be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalms 35:27b NASB

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