
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Tears of Joy

A few days ago in the early evening I was setting in a restaurant with my ear buds in my ears listening to a Podcast.  The cast I was listening to was from Amazing Facts – Bible Answers Live titled Feeding on God’s Word which aired on Saturday, December 19, 2015. Pastors Doug Batchelor and Jëan Ross are the moderators. During the broadcast a caller named Roy listening from New York presented the question, “Do aborted babies wind up in heaven? And who takes cares of them and feeds them?”

When I heard this question posed it peaked my interest. Pastor Batchelor referenced scriptures; the first was in Job 3, where Job cursed the day he was born and questioned would he have been better of being born dead and the other was, Matthew 18:10, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” NASB Pastor Bachelor spoke of there being babies in heaven but the question was will all babies be there. With this in mind Batchelor explained his rational of whether all conceived would be in heaven, but this is not exactly substantive to my thought process at that moment. The area that I was brought to was a conversation I had had with my daughter about her brother who was stillborn.

At around the age of I’d say…ummm…maybe 8 years old she asked me what her brother looked like. And the honest response was I didn’t know. I had not seen him. Now less forward nine years later. After returning from the hospital, on a chilly December afternoon the day of my daughter’s death, a thought pierced my being as I walked from the garage to the house. “She knows what her brother looks like now.” I looked up and the sun just seemed to appear from behind the clouds as confirmation and all I could do was smile. And I am sure this is what carried me through the ceremonial homecoming and burial of my only living child.

As I listened to this broadcast, which just happened to be one day after the anniversary of my daughter’s death, tears just proceed to come. Yes, tears of joy. Knowing that they are together, loving one another, waiting on me to be their mother once again. This truly brings scripture to life, THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENTH, WHOM SHALL I FEAR?

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