
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

All are not His

This past week I was reminded that, all sheep do not belong to the same shepherd. Well… most in Him would say…. I know this.  It is commonly recognized that sheep, cattle and any other livestock do not belong to one shepherd. The same is true in the realization that not all places of worship belong to the almighty Father God, the head shepherd. ”I am the good shepherd, and I know My own and My own know Me…” John 10:11 NASB I was told last week that when I’m not able to go to my own place of worship that I should just go to the church down the corner. Should I seek council from someone who doesn’t see fit to worship or praise the Lord? I… think not!

Okay let’s get to the nuts and bolts of this situation.  Not all places of worship teach and preach the word, praise the Lord, serve His people, focus on increasing the knowledge of its membership and most of all serve Him! Most places are filled with people who think that their obligation of servitude ends at the once a week church service and or attendance of study at mid-week. Their lives do not reflect the teachings and preaching on a daily basis through the fruits of the spirit. Most places of worship’s are hung up on the inner member circle busyness and increasing the number on members on its rolls.
Over the years I’ve visited and have even joined a few churches. In these lost places of worship I have seen the window dressing but no substance to ministering to the membership, visitors and all who enter their doors. In these places I have gone in and left just as empty as when I entered. The members are unfriendly and want to keep the status quo. They reject the presence of gifts in the visitor whose only desire is to serve the King alongside them. I have gone to great lengths in my search for my current place of worship. And I’ll say with great pride they are real in their service, growth, fellowship, and are inviting to new comers towards their service alongside them as co-workers in the Almighty’s vineyard.

So to those who say worship at any church all I can say to them that it is my desire for you to seek Him. For it is only He who can remove the scales so that the truth and discernment can shine upon and give you the knowing of what real worship and servitude looks like. I am looking forward toward my everlasting crown of glory and have received my shepherding from that which is of Him. ”And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.” 1 Peter 5:4 NASB

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