
Thursday, November 15, 2012

…some waited in long lines, you might ask why?

I have pondered the electoral process in the United States this past week. Not the outcome, the contenders, backbiting snipes, or issues of high level leader’s infidelity. I was thinking about a caller in the 2nd hour of the program “Chris Fabry Live!” on Moody Radio on Election Day, November 6, 2012. The caller put it all into perspective of election suffrage, what it means to her and her biblical carriage that keeps her going and standing firm. 

The caller’s name was Pearl and she resides in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She had such a pleasant outlook on the election process though she saw the results over years of African-American suffrage first hand. Many may say, “How could this be, not here in the United States?” Her two brothers fought in World War II and when they came home at the end (1945) they could not vote. The right to vote had been granted to men; no matter color, race, or previous servitude with the 15th amendment ratification in 1870. They still could not vote. Yet they were abled bodied to fight in the war.

In the 1960’s her sister was fired from her job because her husband took African-American voters to their polling places to vote. Yes, this was during the time of the enactment of the 24th amendment (the voting rights act) 1965. In other words the 24th fixed the loop holes for African-Americans who were made subject to poll tax, qualifying test (literacy), racial gerrymandering and discriminatory enforcement of registration rules. And keep in mind woman suffrage was enacted in 1920 with the 19th amendment.
Pearl stated that whoever wins the election is her president. She stated that she serves a God who sits high and looks low. The radio caster Chris Fabry was clearly in awe of this woman’s attitude being that she had seen voter racism first hand.  The scripture she clings to is Proverbs 3:5-6, which states “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledged him, and he shall direct thy paths.” KJV. Yes, we the American Public did our duty under our citizenship right to vote our conscious. But in the end the result is unto the Lord.

Matter of fact we even saw the 21st century attempt at gerrymandering and discriminatory voting practice. But these people would not be moved, they were committed to voicing their choice. And to them I raise my hand in salute. For many people died, were denied, abused, and manipulated out of their citizenship right to vote in previous years, no let’s say century. But these people know the significance of their one vote and its importance to the overall outcome.

Today we must move forward with the people’s chosen leadership. Let all areas of government work with this people’s expressed leader to the betterment of our citizens and world.   

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