
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Faced with a decision…sure you know what you would do

Okay Lord your gentle nudging has become a push and now it is a shove. Over the past few weeks I’ve been pondering the comments that some politicians have made about an issue surrounding what they term as right to life. It is not this writings intent to support/not-support this issue. The desire is to be thought provoking and open the door for REAL conversations and HONEST inflections. When a few politicians voiced their stance about this issue and it brought about a remembrance of a situation and conversation on this matter in a prior work setting. 

Everyone has this person in residence at their work location; the one who is the equal opportunity aggravator. There stances, comments, interactions mange to go beyond the boundaries of race, age, or gender. At this work location we often have what I call “pow-wow sessions” or discussions in the break room. This particular morning before we started working my most opinionated aggravator voiced the following comment. “Abortion should not legal.” I looked at him and my immediate thought was ohhhh no he didn’t. My comeback was as follow: “I am soooo… tired of men telling woman what to do with their body. Now, you have two daughters who about the same age as my daughter (tweens). There is no way that you can tell me that if one of them is rapped by a ____ man you wouldn’t be running to the nearest abortionist.  I recognize that abortion in deed is a sin but I tell you until you are faced with this life situation you do not truly know what your action will be.”

Needless to say the whole table in the break room went silent. There wasn’t anything else to be said. You can say you are for or against something but when you are actually faced with this challenge the test is at hand. My thought is… can you be honest with yourself and everyone else that when this choice knocks on your life, will you or won’t you keep your stance? The longer you live…the more opportunities of life challenges will test your stance.

Note: It has become made aware to me that the person mentioned in this writing is going through an illness challenge. My prayers go out to him and his family for healing and salvation.

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