
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Every day is a day of Thanksgiving!

As a hymn of spirituality states “Every day is a day of thanksgiving”, let us not forget this as we move through the next couple of months of celebrations into a new year. We shall eat the bounties of what we’ve been blessed with from the Lord, we shall show kindnesses that we reserve only during this season, and we will even grin, smile and tolerate people that just totally get on our nerves. I say do not let this be a two month commitment to blessings others. Let us continue these niceties into the coming years. For even in our trials you better believe that there is someone going through something that out magnifies your situation.

My challenge to you is: if you don’t think that you have anything to be thankful for, start a gratitude journal. And in it list a minim of three thankful situations or experiences that happen during your day.  I bet that you will have something to be thankful for even if only the smile of a child or that you didn’t respond negatively in a provoking situation. As you commit to doing this for yourself you will find that you have more blessings of gratitude to count than you ever thought.

Have a most splendid and safe Thanksgiving and for those of you traveling I pled traveling mercies upon you, your families and friends

Peace be unto you,

dlee Deason

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