
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Heeding warnings part II

Heeding warnings part II

The second young woman whom I had contact during a time that I call heeding warnings was a co-worker. Sometimes, we would have lunch together, and once I was invited along with my adolescent daughter to have a summer holiday meal. At one time, we had worked in the same office and occasionally would have lunch with each other. At one of these lunch visits, at a local soul food restaurant, we got into a conversation about our situation with our estranged husbands.  At this point, she had expressed on occasion she went out with and slept with her spouse. As we talked about this matter, I explained to her my thoughts on this situation. I expressed an old saying that I today still totally agree with. “A man might not want you, but they do not want you to be with anyone else.” I expressed my concern for her safety.

Let us fast forward about a year later. This co-worker and I no longer worked in the same office but still worked within groups in the same office building. One Thursday at lunch time I went up to her office’s work location and had a conversation with her and her pod mates. I looked at her and then looked away. Even so, I immediately had to look back at her. I saw what appeared to be an aura glow surrounding her. At this point, I thought, “How strange” but didn’t recognize its significance.

The next day the three offices in our building were made aware of an emergency situation at this former co-workers home. Apparently, the co-worker’s sister had arrived that morning to drive her and her daughters to work and school, and the police had to be called. It seems that the estranged husband had spent the night and when the sister arrived to pick the woman and her girls up he shoved the daughters out of the door at the sister and locked the door. The sister and daughters went to the neighbors and called the police. When the officers arrived, they could not enter the residence because the emergency call for help was not placed by my co-worker. The police had to want for the supervisor to arrive before they could break down the door and enter the premise.

Once they entered the home my former co-worker’s throat was slashed from ear to ear. Needless to say she did not survive her wound, and her husband went to jail. And one of the most ironic situations that happened when the family made arrangements for her funeral, and with these preparations they had to go to the jail to get her husband’s approval to cremate her body.

As I think back on this instance of unnecessary loss of life, I think today that there might be someone out there that is experiencing this same or similar situation. So I say to you, please seek shelter and heed the warning,

In my next update, I will tie together my thoughts on heeding warnings.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Heeding Warnings part I

Heeding Warnings part I

The longer that I live the more I realize that our lives are intertwined for a reason. These entanglements can only be called amazing.  Astounding because we have a choice to find lessons, wisdom and understanding through these life interactions. This morning I was drawn to two relationships both where between husbands and wives in turmoil, that in one, case was toxic until death. What I realized today, when I thought of these situations, were they both happened around the same time, and I imposed warning to both women.

Looking at the first case it was a relationship developed because the woman was a neighbor of mine in the same apartment building in a large suburban complex. We often passed each other and exchanged pleasantries. Even so, this one Saturday we struck up a conversation, and I was talking to her in her apartment. At this time, she and her husband were separated (as was I). She then told me that she had been to court, and her husband had told the judge that he didn’t believe that their son (a toddler at the time) was his.

When she told me what her husband had stated in court I was taken aback and appalled. The reason for my astonishment was because her son looked like her husband had given birth to him. I would say her husband could have literally spat the child out. At this point, I said to myself, I would be through with him if he was my husband. Our conversation continued, and she indicated that she and her husband had had physical fights. This is when I told her that as mild manner as my husband is I would never put myself in a situation that could put me in harm’s way. Because what I’ve found is that even if a man is in the wrong in the relationship, if they cannot have you, they don’t want you to have anyone else. Furthermore, I told her if a man hits you once they will do it again.

Months later the woman and her son moved but some time later the three (husband, wife, son) moved back to the complex with their new daughter. We talked in passing and a few months later I moved into a new home in another suburb. A few weeks after I had moved one of the other neighbors in the apartment building called me with horrific news. She indicated that one Friday night the wife was late coming home from work and when she arrived home, her husband had proceeded to beat his wife. The husband was now in jail.

About a year later the beaten woman who is now divorced from her husband contacted me, and I went to visit her at her new residence. As we talked, she told me about the beating incident. She had arrived home late from work because she had stopped at the store to purchase milk for their daughter. When she entered the apartment, her husband then accused her of cheating a proceeded to beat her. She stated that every time he hit her our previous conversation came to her recollection. “If a man hits you once he will hit you again.”

Today when I think about this interaction with this person, I think about the warning that had been placed in my heart and spoke by my mouth. We make a choice to state warnings and to head warnings. This is part of the free will that our Lord has placed upon us. However, I know that there is someone out there today that this warning has been expressed. Will you heed?

My next blog post will continue with the second heeding warnings' circumstances. To be continued…

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Senseless killings

Senseless killings

Daily, we are bombarded with news of senseless killings. What is missing?  Might it not be respect for God, respect for others, respect for self?  Potentially, and certainly is evidence of a non-existence of value for the significance of life? What is missing?

When I pondered this over whelming fact of today, I was drawn to our Father’s commandments and our individual responsibility of responses to these losses, be they innocent or not. We as God’s people have a responsibly to take a stand and not permit it to become a way of everyday life by allowing it to turn into the norm. With this in mind, where do we go from her to make a turn around on this life impacting of pointless loss of life?  

I was drawn closer to a few items that I believe may have an influence on this topic. First, it is often verbalized, prayer changes things, is it utilized? Second, most people are not utilizing their God given talents to preserving our Father’s creations with have been entrusted to us, our children (the village mentality) and instilling life values. Third, let the law take care of the lawless. This doesn’t mean that we may have to shall stand idle when there is something we can do when the law is not acting to enforce the law to establish justice. I shall focus primarily on the second theme.

People of God, get with the program! Commit to having a more dedicated prayer life and adhering to the most important commandments.  …“you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. … you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37a & 39a NASB. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34 NASB. Our talent usage can often influence that at risk teen that is looking for the missing family association with membership in a gang. A channel by which loving one another could maybe be obtained through imparting wisdom.  One way that may impact this situation can be gained through volunteerism.  Mentoring and tutoring are two great avenues towards making a positive difference in a young person's life. Imparting our wisdom to help form good values is important to changing societal norms of acceptance of the status quo of senseless slayings.

Societal behavior acceptance is like our faith in God. A little input can make a huge change in an at risk person’s life. “It like a mustard seed, which a man took and threw into his garden; and it grew and became a tree…” Luke 13:19a NASB A little none-acceptance and a little commitment to being part of the solution go a long way.  Combating this issue constitutes us to listen to God’s still voice for an answer and to take action immediately once He has given us the answer. Take the time to be that positive influence towards change. Yes, the mother, father, aunt, uncle, retiree, unemployed, employed, under paid, over paid…yes YOU! Join that volunteer project that will impart good change in the lost. Active membership in volunteerism, student councils/governing organizations, and community projects are a few ways to being part of the solution towards silencing the senseless killings.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Appearance seed

Appearance seed

A few weeks ago during a school weekday around 11:00 AM I was returning home from running some errands, waiting at a bus stop; I came into contact with three teenagers. Initially, it would appear that they may be cutting class, but they might be privileged to have early dismissal. Of the three one was a young man who was attractive with chains hanging from his leather jacket that extended into his jeans. The remainder of the group consisted to two youthful woman. The ladies’ appearance consisted of various piercing, tattoos, artificial nails, wild hair/hair extensions, and tight clothing.  It was clear by their closeness in conversation and body language and was easy to make this assumption. One of the woman’s (with wild hair) was the girlfriend of the young man.

From these individual's appearance, you could suspect that they were doing everything externally to fit in with their peers. However, my interaction with them told a different story. As the bus approached the young man showed his gentlemanly behavior of allowing me to board the bus first. Then a while later, after embarking upon the vehicle, his young girlfriend gave me a complement in reference about the animal print shawl/wrap I was wearing. I immediately thanked her and pondered how it would be so easy to assume negative thoughts about these three young people.

There clearly appears to be some upbringing within these individuals which has stuck. Though these young people’s speedy actions in the use of positive social skills and manners. Today these skills are abundantly missing both in adults let alone our young people. Later, I pondered this experience and interactions with this chance encounter with these individuals and thought about a scriptural reference of bringing up children. “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 NASB.

Somewhere some parents and or guardians should be applauded for instilling manners to their charges. Next I would suspect that someone is praying for their continued social skills growth and safety, which will allow them to instill the values that they’ve displayed, long after they have left their need for trendy clothing and styling. ““And other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great.”” Luke 8:8a NASB Lastly, I know that I shall think and pray for them that they will grow to be the exemplary individuals that their actions clearly represent.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Social norm

This past Sunday I was privileged to share my Resurrection Sunday meal with a great friend, who I call sister, and her family. Somehow during the dinner conversation the topic arose about the social acceptability of premarital sex and whether it is a sin. Clearly, the line of societal tolerability has blurred the lines of the meaning of sin.  Any action that societal norms accept as unobjectionable doesn’t take away from the fact that the action is contrary to our Father’s rules of life.

Be it lying, cheating, stealing, sexual improprieties (pre-marital, adultery, or homosexuality), cursing; just because society says it’s OK doesn’t meant that it is a godly acceptable way of life. “But we know that the Law is good, if one uses it lawfully, realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous man, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have entrusted.” 1Timothy 1:8-14 NASB Since we all have fallen short; this law is for ALL of us! We all face this battle daily. We are all waging a war against worldly influences of sin challenges each day. The main effort is to stay in the fight. There is a war going on, and we are ALL on the battlefield, whether we believe in Him or not.

We must equip ourselves for this battle. Our relationships with God tools are in the toolbox. This box must be opened and utilized. This box includes prayer, supplication, reading and studying His word. So today I say to you open your toolbox sword and get in the fight. . “Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate or righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace, in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” Ephesians 6:1-17 NMSB Believe it or not it is the fight of your and for your life.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thank you Lord Jesus

Thank you Lord Jesus

When I awoke this morning, I started to pray. This prayer began with Thank you Lord. And as it progressed, I realized as much suffering that I believe I’ve lived here in this worldly existence it is NOTHING! Yes…nothing! My suffering could not compare to that of my Lord.

My thoughts of life up and downs, unhealed friendships, broken promises, lying individuals, and just plan out right selfishness of people today causes pain. But could you imagine knowing from the time of your birth that your purpose is to suffer an unimaginable death, especially since your life was blameless, spotless, and you spoke only the truth? This to me is the true definition of obedience unto death. “For as through the one man’s disobedience (Adam) the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One (Jesus) the many will be made righteous.” Roman 5:19 NASB

As we celebrate Easter let us not forget to say thank you Lord Jesus. You did it all for me! If you had not suffered on the cross and arose from the dead that Easter morn I would still be bound by my sins and laws of ancient times. You didn’t have to do it, but I’m glad you did. Hallelujah … He is Risen! “And they arose that very hour and returned to Jerusalem, and found gathered together the eleven and those who were with them, saying, “The Lord has really risen, and has appeared to Simon (Peter)”” Luke 24:33-34 NASB

Friday, April 6, 2012

Untruthfully charged

Untruthfully charged

Today on this Good Friday morning I think about the anguish of Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus. She watched; she followed, and she grieved for her fleshly son. Yes, she knew who He was and His purpose of birth, the living sacrifice from God to redeem and return His people to Him. Even so, this did not remove the sting of what she was witnessing. It did not release her from the physical grieving process of watching her son be falsely accused by His own people and sentenced to death.

As I think of Him (the Christ) and her (mother Mary) I think of the parallel situation as I am a mother of an untruthfully accused child until death. “And the chef priest and the scribes were there, accusing Him vehemently. Luke 3:10 This corresponding situation I speak of pertains to a situation within the church by young teen women, of a falsehood that continued to run ramped even though the accused directly brought this untruth straightforwardly to her accusers. In addition, this ungodly action was referred to the church clergy, and nothing was done. Only one of the young women apologized to the falsely accused person the day before her death.
My soul continues to grieve for these falsely accusing women. Of which several today are now mothers. Have they asked for forgiveness from the Father? An unsettling deep within me answers no. Do I hate them, no? Am I sad for them, yes? However, the peace of the assurance of salvation and eternal life keeps me moving forward. Because of Christ’s sacrifice by being falsely charged I shall get to be with my wrongly accused unto death in eternity. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1Peter 1:3 For indeed He is Risen!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Choosing to have a relationship

Choosing to have a relationship

Freewill is our Father’s gift of our ability to choose our relationships. Several of my life journey’s paths have had this matter, the choice to have a relationship, as a center of importance or non-importance. I will travel around in reflection of a couple of these instances of in the worldly relationship and the divine relationship.

I remember when I first was first promoted to management I had an area manager that emphasized the importance of using a planner. He sent all of his new first-line  managers to Franklin Covey planning seminars. When I went to my session, I had an instructor who told us of the personal significance of planning to her. She had an aunt whom she wanted to make sure that she talked too regularly. So every week in her planner, on Sunday, she assigned A1 task level to her calling her aunt. (A, B, C… level of importance and 1, 2, 3… ranking order) By using her planner, she faithfully called her aunt weekly. When her aunt passed away she had no regrets.  Because she showed her love, and now she had vivid memories of their conversations. Often times with this remembrance I made sure to plan for interaction with those vital to me.

Let move forward to another situation of relationship importance. Over the years, I’ve tried to in many of my relationships to commit to communicating through visits, conversations, small tokens of celebrations, cards, honoring life events and holidays. On this journey one relationship, the honor and commitment of relationship were centered. One of my conversations with this person I was told that “Well, I have kids now, and I’m so busy.” With this comment my response was, “No one knows better than I about the busyness of raising a family, especially since I did it as a single parent. Even so, we take time for those things that are important to us. Therefore, you have told me that I’m not important.” This never really made an impression into the inner being of this person because the last couple of times I spoke with this person was when my mother passed away and when they needed bail money.

Our earthly relationships are a choice, and this is true with our spiritual connections. We make a choice to pray, read the Word, invite and invoke the Holy Spirit (My pastor always emphasizes that Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will only come when He is welcomed), and give blessings to His people.  Yes, it takes time and work to have a relationship with God. However, our Lord gave us freewill to CHOOSE a relationship with Him. Does it mean that you have to use the Franklin Covey method of a task list to accomplish the significance to this relationship? For some it might. Nevertheless, whatever you do to achieve this relationship commitment determines its value to you. You determine its significance of these relationships through your commitment; be it earthly or heavenly.

What is the value of relationships into your life? If they are of meaning to you must make an earnest effort to repair and rebuild them.  As I have stated before, busyness with the business of life, you may have let your relationships become non-existent. With this you have told me, your friend, God… I’m not important to you. He chose you, did you choose Him? “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be people of His possession out of all the peoples of the earth.” Deuteronomy 7:6 NASB