
Monday, April 16, 2012

Heeding Warnings part I

Heeding Warnings part I

The longer that I live the more I realize that our lives are intertwined for a reason. These entanglements can only be called amazing.  Astounding because we have a choice to find lessons, wisdom and understanding through these life interactions. This morning I was drawn to two relationships both where between husbands and wives in turmoil, that in one, case was toxic until death. What I realized today, when I thought of these situations, were they both happened around the same time, and I imposed warning to both women.

Looking at the first case it was a relationship developed because the woman was a neighbor of mine in the same apartment building in a large suburban complex. We often passed each other and exchanged pleasantries. Even so, this one Saturday we struck up a conversation, and I was talking to her in her apartment. At this time, she and her husband were separated (as was I). She then told me that she had been to court, and her husband had told the judge that he didn’t believe that their son (a toddler at the time) was his.

When she told me what her husband had stated in court I was taken aback and appalled. The reason for my astonishment was because her son looked like her husband had given birth to him. I would say her husband could have literally spat the child out. At this point, I said to myself, I would be through with him if he was my husband. Our conversation continued, and she indicated that she and her husband had had physical fights. This is when I told her that as mild manner as my husband is I would never put myself in a situation that could put me in harm’s way. Because what I’ve found is that even if a man is in the wrong in the relationship, if they cannot have you, they don’t want you to have anyone else. Furthermore, I told her if a man hits you once they will do it again.

Months later the woman and her son moved but some time later the three (husband, wife, son) moved back to the complex with their new daughter. We talked in passing and a few months later I moved into a new home in another suburb. A few weeks after I had moved one of the other neighbors in the apartment building called me with horrific news. She indicated that one Friday night the wife was late coming home from work and when she arrived home, her husband had proceeded to beat his wife. The husband was now in jail.

About a year later the beaten woman who is now divorced from her husband contacted me, and I went to visit her at her new residence. As we talked, she told me about the beating incident. She had arrived home late from work because she had stopped at the store to purchase milk for their daughter. When she entered the apartment, her husband then accused her of cheating a proceeded to beat her. She stated that every time he hit her our previous conversation came to her recollection. “If a man hits you once he will hit you again.”

Today when I think about this interaction with this person, I think about the warning that had been placed in my heart and spoke by my mouth. We make a choice to state warnings and to head warnings. This is part of the free will that our Lord has placed upon us. However, I know that there is someone out there today that this warning has been expressed. Will you heed?

My next blog post will continue with the second heeding warnings' circumstances. To be continued…

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