
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Senseless killings

Senseless killings

Daily, we are bombarded with news of senseless killings. What is missing?  Might it not be respect for God, respect for others, respect for self?  Potentially, and certainly is evidence of a non-existence of value for the significance of life? What is missing?

When I pondered this over whelming fact of today, I was drawn to our Father’s commandments and our individual responsibility of responses to these losses, be they innocent or not. We as God’s people have a responsibly to take a stand and not permit it to become a way of everyday life by allowing it to turn into the norm. With this in mind, where do we go from her to make a turn around on this life impacting of pointless loss of life?  

I was drawn closer to a few items that I believe may have an influence on this topic. First, it is often verbalized, prayer changes things, is it utilized? Second, most people are not utilizing their God given talents to preserving our Father’s creations with have been entrusted to us, our children (the village mentality) and instilling life values. Third, let the law take care of the lawless. This doesn’t mean that we may have to shall stand idle when there is something we can do when the law is not acting to enforce the law to establish justice. I shall focus primarily on the second theme.

People of God, get with the program! Commit to having a more dedicated prayer life and adhering to the most important commandments.  …“you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. … you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22: 37a & 39a NASB. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” John 13:34 NASB. Our talent usage can often influence that at risk teen that is looking for the missing family association with membership in a gang. A channel by which loving one another could maybe be obtained through imparting wisdom.  One way that may impact this situation can be gained through volunteerism.  Mentoring and tutoring are two great avenues towards making a positive difference in a young person's life. Imparting our wisdom to help form good values is important to changing societal norms of acceptance of the status quo of senseless slayings.

Societal behavior acceptance is like our faith in God. A little input can make a huge change in an at risk person’s life. “It like a mustard seed, which a man took and threw into his garden; and it grew and became a tree…” Luke 13:19a NASB A little none-acceptance and a little commitment to being part of the solution go a long way.  Combating this issue constitutes us to listen to God’s still voice for an answer and to take action immediately once He has given us the answer. Take the time to be that positive influence towards change. Yes, the mother, father, aunt, uncle, retiree, unemployed, employed, under paid, over paid…yes YOU! Join that volunteer project that will impart good change in the lost. Active membership in volunteerism, student councils/governing organizations, and community projects are a few ways to being part of the solution towards silencing the senseless killings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

from: womenofGod. Our children are hurting because our family structure is hurting. Where are the men in the family. Where are the male role models that say, "I better not find you gangbanging," or " Don't let me have to come up to the school". or how about this one, "Man my shortie just like me," " Are the men the priest of the home? Are they the bread winners? Are they the protectors or disciplinarians? Have the women liberated themselves right out of the position inwhich GOD created them for; "the helper" connected at the side of man; no one in front. No one behind but at his side showing our children how to value family and in respect gain a value for life. If you don't respect your mom, your sister, your brother how can I expect you to respect mine.