
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Appearance seed

Appearance seed

A few weeks ago during a school weekday around 11:00 AM I was returning home from running some errands, waiting at a bus stop; I came into contact with three teenagers. Initially, it would appear that they may be cutting class, but they might be privileged to have early dismissal. Of the three one was a young man who was attractive with chains hanging from his leather jacket that extended into his jeans. The remainder of the group consisted to two youthful woman. The ladies’ appearance consisted of various piercing, tattoos, artificial nails, wild hair/hair extensions, and tight clothing.  It was clear by their closeness in conversation and body language and was easy to make this assumption. One of the woman’s (with wild hair) was the girlfriend of the young man.

From these individual's appearance, you could suspect that they were doing everything externally to fit in with their peers. However, my interaction with them told a different story. As the bus approached the young man showed his gentlemanly behavior of allowing me to board the bus first. Then a while later, after embarking upon the vehicle, his young girlfriend gave me a complement in reference about the animal print shawl/wrap I was wearing. I immediately thanked her and pondered how it would be so easy to assume negative thoughts about these three young people.

There clearly appears to be some upbringing within these individuals which has stuck. Though these young people’s speedy actions in the use of positive social skills and manners. Today these skills are abundantly missing both in adults let alone our young people. Later, I pondered this experience and interactions with this chance encounter with these individuals and thought about a scriptural reference of bringing up children. “Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 NASB.

Somewhere some parents and or guardians should be applauded for instilling manners to their charges. Next I would suspect that someone is praying for their continued social skills growth and safety, which will allow them to instill the values that they’ve displayed, long after they have left their need for trendy clothing and styling. ““And other seed fell into the good soil, and grew up, and produced a crop a hundred times as great.”” Luke 8:8a NASB Lastly, I know that I shall think and pray for them that they will grow to be the exemplary individuals that their actions clearly represent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wE ALL have made the quick decision to judge by appearence, we also miss out on meeting very nice people, and discovering they have a reason they look the way they do, it shouldn't matter to anyone else!