
Friday, April 6, 2012

Untruthfully charged

Untruthfully charged

Today on this Good Friday morning I think about the anguish of Mary the mother of our Lord Jesus. She watched; she followed, and she grieved for her fleshly son. Yes, she knew who He was and His purpose of birth, the living sacrifice from God to redeem and return His people to Him. Even so, this did not remove the sting of what she was witnessing. It did not release her from the physical grieving process of watching her son be falsely accused by His own people and sentenced to death.

As I think of Him (the Christ) and her (mother Mary) I think of the parallel situation as I am a mother of an untruthfully accused child until death. “And the chef priest and the scribes were there, accusing Him vehemently. Luke 3:10 This corresponding situation I speak of pertains to a situation within the church by young teen women, of a falsehood that continued to run ramped even though the accused directly brought this untruth straightforwardly to her accusers. In addition, this ungodly action was referred to the church clergy, and nothing was done. Only one of the young women apologized to the falsely accused person the day before her death.
My soul continues to grieve for these falsely accusing women. Of which several today are now mothers. Have they asked for forgiveness from the Father? An unsettling deep within me answers no. Do I hate them, no? Am I sad for them, yes? However, the peace of the assurance of salvation and eternal life keeps me moving forward. Because of Christ’s sacrifice by being falsely charged I shall get to be with my wrongly accused unto death in eternity. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1Peter 1:3 For indeed He is Risen!

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