
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Choosing to have a relationship

Choosing to have a relationship

Freewill is our Father’s gift of our ability to choose our relationships. Several of my life journey’s paths have had this matter, the choice to have a relationship, as a center of importance or non-importance. I will travel around in reflection of a couple of these instances of in the worldly relationship and the divine relationship.

I remember when I first was first promoted to management I had an area manager that emphasized the importance of using a planner. He sent all of his new first-line  managers to Franklin Covey planning seminars. When I went to my session, I had an instructor who told us of the personal significance of planning to her. She had an aunt whom she wanted to make sure that she talked too regularly. So every week in her planner, on Sunday, she assigned A1 task level to her calling her aunt. (A, B, C… level of importance and 1, 2, 3… ranking order) By using her planner, she faithfully called her aunt weekly. When her aunt passed away she had no regrets.  Because she showed her love, and now she had vivid memories of their conversations. Often times with this remembrance I made sure to plan for interaction with those vital to me.

Let move forward to another situation of relationship importance. Over the years, I’ve tried to in many of my relationships to commit to communicating through visits, conversations, small tokens of celebrations, cards, honoring life events and holidays. On this journey one relationship, the honor and commitment of relationship were centered. One of my conversations with this person I was told that “Well, I have kids now, and I’m so busy.” With this comment my response was, “No one knows better than I about the busyness of raising a family, especially since I did it as a single parent. Even so, we take time for those things that are important to us. Therefore, you have told me that I’m not important.” This never really made an impression into the inner being of this person because the last couple of times I spoke with this person was when my mother passed away and when they needed bail money.

Our earthly relationships are a choice, and this is true with our spiritual connections. We make a choice to pray, read the Word, invite and invoke the Holy Spirit (My pastor always emphasizes that Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will only come when He is welcomed), and give blessings to His people.  Yes, it takes time and work to have a relationship with God. However, our Lord gave us freewill to CHOOSE a relationship with Him. Does it mean that you have to use the Franklin Covey method of a task list to accomplish the significance to this relationship? For some it might. Nevertheless, whatever you do to achieve this relationship commitment determines its value to you. You determine its significance of these relationships through your commitment; be it earthly or heavenly.

What is the value of relationships into your life? If they are of meaning to you must make an earnest effort to repair and rebuild them.  As I have stated before, busyness with the business of life, you may have let your relationships become non-existent. With this you have told me, your friend, God… I’m not important to you. He chose you, did you choose Him? “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be people of His possession out of all the peoples of the earth.” Deuteronomy 7:6 NASB

1 comment:

Sherron said...

I totally agree with the thought that when people make comments like "I don't even have time for myself" or "I have kids now"that they are in so many words letting you know you are not important to them. But if an emergency occurs for example death, need money, etc. They will be in your face. I am guilty of making excuses for people. Oh she is in school, and a single parent. And a friend told me, "Sherron people will find the time, money, and energy to do the things they REALLY WANT to do. And she is right. Sometimes you really have to accept people for who they are. Because you cannot make them do anything and you should not have to. Just to coninue to love them anyway and Love and appreciate the people who take the time to make time.